Master of the Guianas 2022

Who’s the strongest player online?!
Open to any chess player in Guyana and Suriname

Tournament Rules

  • The tournament will be played on Saturday, January 22nd, 2022 19:00hrs (GMT-3) and is being organized by Athena Chess
  • Lichess will be used as the tournament platform
  • The tournament is open to any player from Guyana or Suriname
  • Tournament entry fee of SRD 75,- or GYD 750 required, player identity verification is mandatory for all players
  • The Swiss tournament format will be applied
  • A total of nine (9) rounds will be played where each player is allotted five (5) minutes per game to make their moves
  • The final standing will be determined by the total number of points followed by the Sonneborn-Berger score (as outlined by Lichess,
  • A prize fund of USD 650 is available and will be distributed as followed: 1st place USD 250, 2nd place USD 100, 3rd place USD 50, Best Women USD 100, Best U20 USD 75, Best U18 USD 50 and USD 25 for other prices
  • Prize recipients agree to take part in a video interview which will be conducted by the organizers after the tournament, the organizers have the right to publish it to any media platform
  • The organizers have the right to retain prizes in cases of player misconduct (use of inappropriate language, teasing, etc.) or cheating (player impersonation, use of chess engines, etc.)
  • In cases which are not covered by these rules, the organizers have the right to take any decision in the best interests of the organization and players

Registration Form








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